Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse - Day 21

I have to confess:  again I have higher goals than I am achieving when it comes to Isagenix.  I remember to take the Natural Accelerator maybe once a day (its supposed to be 2xs), I remember to take the IsaFlush 2xs a week (its supposed to be everyday), and I am not taking the Ionix or the CFL the way I am supposed to either.

I can't stand the Ionix.  It burns going down and it tastes nasty.  I read the ingredients.  All good stuff actually.  Its supposed to help give a boost of energy for the day with a ton of vitamin B.  I don't see any difference in my energy level when I take it or don't. So if I don't like the taste then why take it, right?

I also can't stick with a fasting cleanse day.  It sucks and I want to eat.  The Isasnacks taste like chalk and don't help with the hunger at all.  Makes me want to eat something else to get the taste out.  So I figured I would try the daily cleanse instead.  Just drink a little each night before I go to bed.  That should be easy but that is also when I am supposed to take the Isaflush.  So forget one, forget the other.

The only thing that I am consistent with are the shakes.  They are delicious (I always liked the vanilla, the chocolate has grown on me).  I do some times add to them.  I add a half banana or some strawberries or raspberries.  I don't think I am supposed to do that but I figured a little extra fruit can't be too bad.  I found what works best is to have a shake in the morning.  Eat lunch and have a shake for dinner.  Its easier to do at dinner than I thought.  I wondered if it would be hard as I still have to feed the rest of the family but I find myself satisfied with just the shake.  They really do fill you up.

As a result of only half-assing my cleanse, I have lost only 3 lbs in 3 weeks.  Still that is something as I had plateaued prior to that.  So I will take the 3 lbs.  I think I am going to order more shakes and continue with those as meal replacement but wait until I finally finish the rest of it before I order more of that.  It might take a while since I forget half the time.  Ok, most the time.

As far as running.....

I am doing great!  I ran 13 miles this past Saturday.  That is .1 mile short of a half marathon!  I was kind of stupid for not running the week before that.  But to be fair it was spring break and not only did I have all 6 of my kids home but I had extra children every day.  Usually from 9am until at least 9pm.  There was no way I was getting any running in.  So when I ran the 13, the first 12 were easy peasy.  Then the last mile hit me like a ton of bricks.  I slowed quite a bit.  I convinced one girl from my group to run the extra mile with me.  The first 12 miles she was trying to keep up with me.  The last I struggled to keep up with her.  Then when I finished I was so sore.  I could hardly walk for 2 days.  I took as ice bath (surprisingly not as bad as it sounds) and popped a ton of ibupropen (sp?).

This weekend I am scheduled for 14 miles.  I wanted to do one more than the race itself so that I knew I concurred the race.  My goal is to make sure to run this week so I don't suffer like last week.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.  I didn't run Monday like I wanted.  And even though 2 of the kids were home and it rained, I forced myself onto the treadmill.  I ran 3 miles on the treadmill.  Not as many as I needed but better than nothing.  I am scheduled to run 6 miles tomorrow.  I have a friend stopping by to watch the kids while I run.  I am really excited about the 14 this weekend.  Makes me almost think I can handle a full marathon!

The only draw back is that 3 of the kids are testing for purple belt at 10am on Saturday and I know I won't be done running by then.  :(   I know I won't be able to run 14 alone so I have to go to run camp. They kids said they didn't mind as long as daddy would be there.  I am hoping to get grandma and/or an aunt or two there to help cushion that I won't be.

Anyway, there is an update.  I'll let you know how it continues.

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