Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 2 of C210K

So week 2 didn't actually happen the 2nd week.  Yup, you guessed it.  I got lazy.  I took two weeks off.  I have all kinds of wonderful excuses (soccer games, baseball games, getting the house ready to sell.....) but the truth is I am just lazy.  Sigh.  Forcing myself to get back into it.  So here is week 2.  I'll just update this post for the week.

Week 2  (On treadmill at 2% incline)
*Session 1 - 31 min. Run 1 minute. Walk 2 minutes. Do this 7 times. Completed! Ran at 4.5, Walked at 3.4.  Seeing as how I took two weeks off this was surprisingly easy.  It helps that we moved the treadmill to the basement and I able to watch tv while I run,  makes the time go by faster.  The hardest part was that I chose to run while the baby was awake.  He thought it was hi-larry-us to run at the treadmill and give me many small heartattacks.  I had my 8 yr old try to restrain him but little Houdini kept escaping her grip.  I think I might have to try either while he is napping or otherwise preoccupied.

*Session 2 - 34 min. Run 2 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Do this 6 times. Completed! Ran at 4.5 Walked at 3.4.  My plan to run while the baby was sleeping didn't happen.  I forgot that I need him sleeping while I go back to being a brunette.  So I did my run with my 5yr old chasing him down.  I had to start over several times, so I know I ran more than I was supposed to.  At one point he fell and bumped his head and for one of my 2 min. walks I carried an extra 25 lbs.  Extra workout right?  Still not that bad of a workout.  I debating either increasing my speed or increasing the incline.

The Couch to 10 attempt

Wow!  I am so much of a slacker I can't even keep up with my new blog. haha

Anyway, three weeks ago  after seeing many of my friends do the Couch to 5k program.  They all did well and to top it off they seem to enjoy it.  So I thought what the heck, I’ll throw my hat into the ring.  But being the overachiever I wanted to do more than Couch to 5k, I wanted to do Couch to 10k. My biggest obstacle (besides being lazy) is when to run.  Staying home with 5 rambunctious kids leaves little time to go running by myself.  I needed a treadmill program that I could do while the kids are home.  I started my internet search.  I found a program that seemed to my speed.  It was a log like this from a woman who also ran on the treadmill and she documented speeds.  That was exactly what I was looking for.  But the program took 13 weeks.  In addition to being a lazy overachiever I am also impatient.  I wanted to do this a little quicker and decided to do the program 4 times a week instead of 3.  I also like to distance bike but can only do that on the weekend when my husband is around to wrangle the munchkins.  What follows is my journey.

Coach to 10K Training program
(All workouts done on treadmill)
Week 1  (treadmill at incline of 2)
*Session 1 - 24 min. Run 1 minute. Walk 2 minutes. Do this 8 times. Completed! Ran at 4, walked at 3.0. Very wimpy, I know. But I wasn’t sure I could do more and its what the other lady started at.  I think I can run at 4.5 next time, I might keep the walk at 3 though for recuperation.  I felt good though, legs were a little rubbery after but still it seems a doable program. Then I rewarded myself with a small Frosty from Wendys.  Probably not what the program included.
*Session 2 - 28 min. Run 1 minute. Walk 2 minutes. Do this 6 times. Completed! Ran at 4.5, walked at 3.0.  Still not so bad.  I even got up at 6:30 am and did this.  That is unheard of!  I’m blaming the fact that I got kicked out of bed by kid overcrowding more so than my desire to run.
*Session 3 - 31 min. Run 1 minute. Walk 2 minutes. Do this 7 times. Completed! Ran at 4.5, walked at 3.3. Not as motivated today but I did it. For some reason I was a little more tired.
*Session 4 - 38 min. Run 2 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Do this 7 times. Completed! Ran at 4.5, Walked at 3.3.  Still not too bad.  I can totally do this!