Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 2 of C210K

So week 2 didn't actually happen the 2nd week.  Yup, you guessed it.  I got lazy.  I took two weeks off.  I have all kinds of wonderful excuses (soccer games, baseball games, getting the house ready to sell.....) but the truth is I am just lazy.  Sigh.  Forcing myself to get back into it.  So here is week 2.  I'll just update this post for the week.

Week 2  (On treadmill at 2% incline)
*Session 1 - 31 min. Run 1 minute. Walk 2 minutes. Do this 7 times. Completed! Ran at 4.5, Walked at 3.4.  Seeing as how I took two weeks off this was surprisingly easy.  It helps that we moved the treadmill to the basement and I able to watch tv while I run,  makes the time go by faster.  The hardest part was that I chose to run while the baby was awake.  He thought it was hi-larry-us to run at the treadmill and give me many small heartattacks.  I had my 8 yr old try to restrain him but little Houdini kept escaping her grip.  I think I might have to try either while he is napping or otherwise preoccupied.

*Session 2 - 34 min. Run 2 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Do this 6 times. Completed! Ran at 4.5 Walked at 3.4.  My plan to run while the baby was sleeping didn't happen.  I forgot that I need him sleeping while I go back to being a brunette.  So I did my run with my 5yr old chasing him down.  I had to start over several times, so I know I ran more than I was supposed to.  At one point he fell and bumped his head and for one of my 2 min. walks I carried an extra 25 lbs.  Extra workout right?  Still not that bad of a workout.  I debating either increasing my speed or increasing the incline.

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