Monday, July 30, 2012

Ok, so I'm a slacker.....

Talk about lazy, I haven't posted in 2 years.  I just discovered that I even have a blog that started in 2007 that I forgot about.  Ha!   I have some excuses.

I got pregnant in Dec. of 2009.  Lost that baby Mar. 2010  Got pregnant in Dec. 2010.  Lost that baby in Feb. of 2011.  Really didn't feel like blogging.  Appearently, I couldn't finish a pregnancy. :(

But then in May 2011 I was pregnant again.  This time baby Lucy was born in Feb. 2012!  Yay!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I am trying the exercise thing again.  Today I started day 1 of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.  I had done it in the past and made it to day 15 but then we went on vacation and there went the exercise.  So now not only am I going to try to work out every day for 30 days (that should form the habit) but I am also going to try to blog about it.  Ok, maybe not blog everyday.  If I make it do day 10 I might even post the beginning picture I took today on day 1.  That is if there is an improvement ;)

So off we go again.  Wish me luck!

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