Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 2 of JM30DS

Day 2 complete!!!  I almost wussed out on day 2.  I didn't feel like waking early (it was hot last night and the a/c broke so I couldn't sleep.... and other lame excuses).  Then we had errands to run.  Then some friends came over to work on a resume........more lame excuses.

Finally at 7pm I did the work out.  Now I am not a second day quitter.  hahaha

I didn't realize how sore I was.  I felt fine all day.  Once I started the work out I realized my butt, thighs and abs hurt!  I moved alot slower than yesterday but I moved.  Go me!

While doing the jumps I kept hearing a clapping noise.  To my horror I realized that it was my butt cheeks smacking against my legs.  Sigh.  This is why I am doing this, right?  Then I started to crack up.  I realized that my butt brought its own cheering section.  Go butt cheer, go butt cheer.

So here starts the journey.  I will once again be the hot me that still lives in my head.

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