Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Getting caught up...Actually sticking with something!

First off to get caught up.  I did finish the JM30DS.  Surprise, surprise.  It was kind of a let down.  I didn't really lose any weight or inches.  I did feel better and stronger but I was hoping for more results.

Then sometime between the beginning of Sept. (ending of JM30DS) and the beginning of Dec. I gained another 10 lbs.  10 lbs!  I weighed less 9 months pg with my second (didn't make it to 9 mo. with #1).  Not good.  It hit me the Big 4-0, was less than a year away.  I want to Fit & Fabulous at 40.  After delaying and trying to come up with some no effort way I decided to do things the old fashion way.  Get off my butt, eat better and exercise.

I noticed on FB that Jen would make comments about wanting to do the same.  So I contacted her and asked if she wanted to start running with me.  She said yes and we set up our first run for Nov. 30.  I could not run again until the next week because Hubby was having foot surgery and I needed to be a nurse for him.

We started slow.  We chose a trail that was marked by the tenth mile.  At first we could only run 2 tenths/walk 2 tenths.  We would continue this until the total run distance equaled 1.5 miles.  The next week it was run 2/walk 1.  The next week run 3/walk1-2.  We continued adding the run distance and overall distance every week.  Then on Saturdays we would try to do the whole distance without walking.

Shortly after the first run, I decided that we needed a goal.  We should sign up for a race!  A 5k?  No, too easy.  A 10K? For wusses!   I suggested to Jen that we sign up for Borgess Run Camp and sign up to run a Half Marathon in May.  So my surprise she agreed.

Last Saturday I ran 10 miles without stopping!   OMGoodness!  I have lost between 11-15 lbs (depends on the day).  I am so excited!  Increasing the milage every week is giving me confidence that I can do this, I am stronger than I was giving myself credit.  This Saturday we are shooting for 11 miles.

Is it easy?  No.  Is it even fun?  Not really.  I am doing this because I want to be around to raise my children.  I want to set an example to them to stay in shape.  To be fair the Run Camp is enjoyable.  We run at a conversation pace.  We chat the whole run and I don't even notice the distance.  I like our team and am meeting new people (something I like to do).  I actually get so excited to do the long runs that I set out my clothes the night before and wake before the alarm.

"This isn't as bad as I thought," went through my mind.  Followed by, "Why don't we do a full marathon then?"  So again I suggested to Jen that we run a full in the fall.  I have heard her talk about it so I know its in the works.  When we heard a nutritionist discuss ultramarathons she turned to me and said, "If next year at this time you tell me we are going to do an ultramarathon, I will punch you."  Hahahaha  I guess I have some influence but not that much.  lol

So proud of myself for starting something and actually sticking with it.

Tomorrow I start another journey. I am hoping to document that here.  You will find out tomorrow.

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