Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Isagenix attempt - Day 1

I mentioned that I was going to start yet another new venture.  I am going to try to Isagenix 30 Day System.

My good friend Shala started using this system in the middle of December and now only 3 months later she has lost (or released as she says) over 40 lbs.  Wow!  Now I don't need to lose that much so it will probably not come off that fast but I want to give it a shot.

The system included 6 shake days and 1 cleanse day a week.  This means that you drink 2 shakes as a meal replacement and eat one 400-600 calorie meal on shake days.  In addition to drinking an Ionix (still not sure what that is for), take a Natural Accelerator 2xs a day (again don't know, I really should research lol) and take IsaFlush at night (that one I can figure out on my own).  Then on cleanse days you drink the Cleanse For Life 4xs a day.  You can have their snacks a few times during the day so you don't feel like you are starving.

Anyway, let me start off my saying I am entering in this venture highly skeptical.  Why am I doing it then?  I don't know, I am always willing to give things a fair shake. To be honest as I watched my friend lose pounds and get all excited, I was happy for her but worried at the same time.  This couldn't be healthy.  And it really isn't changing an eating lifestyle.  What happens at goal weight and you go back to eating the same way as before?  It would all come back on.  I was hoping that the major weight loss would be an incentive to change eating habits to keep it off.  From talking to her that sounds like the plan.

With all the weight loss excitement she kept focusing on the fact that it really is just a cellular cleanse with a weight loss bonus.  I know I eat junk and who knows how much crap (figuratively and literally) I am filled with.  So I started to question the cleanse.  I asked if I could just do the Cleanse For Life (CFL) without the rest of the system.  I didn't want to do meal replacement or fasting cleanses.  Sounds miserable actually.  She said that even just drinking the cleanse each evening without changing anything else will still help.  But then I thought the system as a whole is designed to completely cleanse the body.  So if I give it a shot and do the 9 day system then I would at least get a kick start to the cellular cleanse.  Then I found out that 4 of those 9 days are fasting days.  NO Thank You!

I debated with myself of what to do.  The 30 Days System can be quite pricey. $300+.  Do I spend that kind of money and not like the results?  Do I spend $65 and go with just the cleanse and see how that goes?  I called another friend to help me sort out.  She suggested going with just the CFL and if I like it to add the rest.  Pretty good advice.

So I ordered the 30 Day System.

I started yesterday with a shake day.  Here is what I encountered.

First thing in the morning I had an Ionix (a powder that you mix with water) and the Natural Accelerator.  The taste wasn't so bad, kind of reminded me of cider.  I didn't mix it very well so it was kind of chunky and I needed to add some water to get the rest out of the cup.

20-30 min. later I made a chocolate shake.  I got the packets of powder so I don't have to measure and then I can keep some in the car in case I am out.  Then I don't have any excuse to eat fast food.  I mixed it in a blender with water and ice.   I have to say, it was NOT delicious.  When I mentioned that to Shala she said its because I am acidic.  When my ph levels out the taste will get better.  I will wait it out and see.

Prior to this system I was having a spinach shake in the mornings.  Trust me is tastes delicious even though it sounds gross and is neon green.  One thing I liked about the shakes (besides taste and knowing how healthy they were) was almost one hour later (like clockwork) I was spending some quality time in the bathroom.

The Isagenix shake did the same thing.  Yay!

Then after bringing the kids to school I ran 6 miles.

For lunch I had a Turkey salad from Arbys.  I wasn't that hungry so only ate half and gave the rest to my husband.

A few hours later for snack I tried a vanilla IsaSnack! It is a big "tablet" that you eat, I had that with half a banana.  It was pretty chalky but the banana helped with the taste.

Then a vanilla shake for dinner.  The vanilla shake was actually pretty good.  Much more tolerable than the chocolate.

I was supposed to have an evening snack that included protein.  I ate some of the left over fajita meat that I made for my husband for dinner.  Probably not what they meant but it worked.

I forgot to take the Isaflush last night.  Oops.  I hope the shake does its job without the Isaflush.

I did weigh myself and took all my measurements and took pictures for before information to document changes.  I am not sharing those yet though until the end of 30 days.

Here's hoping this works and that I can continue to document the journey and that I am in some way an inspiration for others to get healthy.  That would be an achievement.

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