Monday, December 16, 2013

PooPourri Review

I have to confess, the first time I saw this ad, I laughed out loud.  Strike that, I was laughing so hard I was snorting.  After watching the video several more times (and showing the kids, they have my sense of humor), I had to find out if this was a real product.  Lo and behold, it is!

Of course, I had to order it.  I have spent several years trying to keep up the illusion that women don't produce odors besides floral deliciousness.  I still won't even put on deodorant in front of my husband because women don't sweat or have BO.  I know this is all silly, especially since years ago I gave up holding in farts around him.  I tried for years to blame the dog, then the children.  But now I take pride in the bouquet that is created from deep within.

Anyway, I ordered from Amazon.  I did spend quite a lengthy amount of time reading the potty laced reviews.  Hysterical.  If you have a free hour (or 2, 3...) its quite a good read.  I then waited and checked the mail daily for the new wonder to arrive.  Unfortunately, when it did no one in the house had anything brewing to test the product.  Not to worry, the opportunity arose.

I ordered the original scent.  It is kind of a lemony, butter scent.  Don't know if this makes sense but it is different, but pleasant.  The PooPourri product works exactly as advertised.  It is the "Before-you-go" spray.  Before going No. 2 spray 3-4 spritzes into the bowl.  This provides an oil layer over the water.  Then as your stool enters the water the smell is trapped beneath the surface.  This releases the lemon-butter fragrance into the air at the same time.  It is a strong scent.  While they advertise it to be used in the public restroom to hide evidence of your business, if I was next to someone and suddenly smelled lemon butter, I would ask the stranger in the stall next to me if they were using PooPourri.

There are a few issues but they are most user created issues.  For instance if you forget to spray BEFORE you go, the smell is not trapped below the surface. If you spray after, you are left with a lemony turd scent.  NOT pleasant.

Another issue, is that with children, it has become necessary to put the spray up high, so said children do not use it as a toy.  They will either play with it and waste it, or use it as a weapon and spray each other in the eyes.  Lemon-butter blindness is NOT pleasant.  The children can be some of the smelliest potty users in the whole house.  But if they can't use it since they are a danger to themselves, then the stink still  lingers.

A personal issue I have encountered is that I wait until the last second to rush to the toilet.  Already "prairie-dogging it," the precious few seconds that it takes to spray are needed.  There is no time to use 3-5 seconds when there in a potential poo-mungus mess to clean.  That would NOT be pleasant.

On the whole, I do like the product when remembering to use it and use it properly.  I would recommend it if for no other reason that it would remind of the ad whenever used.  This could bring a little laughter to an otherwise humorless part of your day.


Anonymous said...

Testing comments

Unknown said...

Love it! You are so hilarious!

Kristen said...

What a fabulous product idea! Where has this been all my life? Now if they could come up with something to eliminate dog fart stink, I'd be all set.